Saturday, May 17, 2014

Godzilla returns!

Just a fun BLOG today... as many know Godzilla returns this weekend! The guy looks pretty good for being 60! Some fun trivia around the original 1954 film - it was a way the Japanese explained the devastation of the bomb droppings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki at the end of the 2nd world war. 

This updated version goes back to it saying it wasn't tests that awakened the beast, but that they were trying to destroy it and didn't succeed. Cool tie into the original.

Here's a look at the big guy from 1954 to present... 

He's has many looks, as you can see, looking forward to seeing this latest installment - you'll notice they didn't include the 1998 Roland Emmerich version? 

Oh well, from creature of disaster to hero to engine of destruction, from serious to campy to serious again, this guy just keeps going! 

Welcome back Godzilla!

I saw this on the weekend and I must say - amazing! I thought it was the best Godzilla made yet, my wife disagreed saying there've been better. At any rate, there were some words that you had to close your ears to, but no uncomfortable sex scenes, and there was a great storyline. You even see an "easter egg" thrown in there if you look for it - a bug tank with a very familiar Godzilla universe name on it! MOTHRA! We'll see if that plays into anything for the sequel. 

Godzilla gets down and fights tooth and nail with a couple of monster baddies and I'm glad the movie didn't shy away from the toll battles like this take on a city of Tokyo's or LA's sizes. It brought humanity to it.

My rating? 4/5 stomping stars!

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