Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Easter Presentation - please watch.

This is a special Easter Presentation I did based on the song "New Again" from Brad Paisley and Sarah Evans of the album "Songs Inspired by The Passion of the Christ." Video footage from The Passion of the Christ, The Nativity Story, and The Gospel of John. I did this same video a number of years back with image stills, but this year decided to upgrade the video to using clips.

This was a labour of love for our Lord Jesus Christ. It is designed to be a tool that can be used by churches - not for profit of any kind.

I put this together to really remind us visually about what Good Friday and Easter is really all about. The video speaks for itself. God bless and have a great Easter weekend. May your Good Friday service be inspiring as we remember the crucifixion and death of Jesus, and may your Easter Sunday service be filled with joy and celebration as we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord! 

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