Sunday, January 20, 2013

Thanks... to who?

Oct 5, 2012, 10:24am

Having worked in the school system I always cringe when it comes to Thanksgiving. Why? The teacher asks what we're thankful for. The usual answers come up of family, friends, toys, my X-Box, etc. But no one says to WHO they're thankful. Once in a while I get surprised by the boldness of a child who says, "Jesus."

In society today, even the books used to talk about Thanksgiving in the schools have changed to be focused more on the feast and the friendship of the First nations people and the French and English rather than how they thanked God for getting through the harsh winter, the great summer, and a harvest that provided for all.

This Thanksgiving, it'd be great to hear more WHO we're thankful to as well as what we're thankful for.

As for me? I'm thankful to my Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, and the salvation He provided. I am also thankful for family, friends, and for the work I have and of course for Life 100.3!

God bless!


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